Fratelli Tutti

Fratelli Tutti is an encyclical letter from Pope Francis that promotes a new vision in which the world stands in solidarity with the vulnerable and works together collaboratively for the common good.

His Holiness hopes this “can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Fraternity between all men and women”.

How can you show fraternity and social friendship in our Parish?

Please contact one of the following groups in our Parish: the Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), who visit and befriend parishioners; the Refugee Support group, who are preparing to bring a vulnerable family for resettlement in the UK; and the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group, who campaign on social issues in line with Catholic social teaching. Details of other groups can be found under the Groups section to the left, or you can contact the Parish office (9am – 3pm, school term-time weekdays only, closed Wednesdays) on 020 8654 1709.